These FAQs are designed to attempt to teach you to bowl.

  • Stick to the 10-percent guideline. A bowling ball should weigh 10 percent of your body weight (up to 16 pounds), which means you really shouldn’t be grabbing, say, an 8-pound ball if you weigh 150 pounds. You want some weight to the ball, but it shouldn’t be so heavy that it’s uncomfortable.

    If you’ve had arm surgery or you have a physical condition that makes hefting around a ball that’s 10 percent of your body weight a bit awkward, go ahead and use a slightly lighter ball. Remember that the goal is to feel comfortable with what you’re throwing.

  • Make sure the finger holes fit just right. The finger holes shouldn’t be too small or too big. If they don’t fit just right, that can throw off your entire game.

  • Don’t stretch your hand. You should have enough room between your hand and the ball to fit a pencil beneath your palm. If it lightly touches both your palm and the ball, then you know that you’re not overstretching your hand or gripping the ball too tightly.

Throwing the perfect shot can lead to a higher bowling score; throwing lots of perfect shots can lead to a perfect game — a score of 300. To achieve a perfect hook shot:

  1. Straighten the wrist of your bowling hand.

    Your bowling hand, not surprisingly, is the one that’s holding the ball. Be careful not to bend or flex your wrist.

  2. Hold your hand straight while you swing the ball out and back.

  3. Begin to rotate the wrist, hand, and fingers on your bowling arm toward the opposite side of your body as the ball comes forward.

    If you’re left-handed, rotate your wrist toward the right. If you’re right-handed, rotate your wrist toward the left.

  4. Let go of the ball near your ankle and finish with your hand in the handshake position after you release the ball.

    You know your hand is in the handshake position when your thumb is pointing up and your palm is facing the inside of the lane.

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